
LogMonster is a cloud-based logging platform that helps developers to capture, view and manage their log data quickly and cost effectively. It was designed from the ground-up by developers, for developers to enable you to make logging enjoyable and cheap.

We originally started working on LogMonster while we were building cloud-based apps and got frustrated by how expensive it was to do logging. At the time (2020), the only options were low-priced DIY options from the cloud providers and high-priced enterprise-oriented options from existing SASS providers. That made us think, how hard can it be to make an easy-to-use, battle-hardened, cost-efficient cloud logging tool?

It was definitely harder than we thought but we found that all the software tooling was out there to make the tool we wanted to use ourselves. Using Kubernetes, Go, NATS, Fluent, Postgres, Redis and an army of other open source tools we built a fully distributed logging system that's designed to take advantage of low-cost storage and compute options from the cloud hosting providers and pass the savings on to you.

We use LogMonster ourselves so rest assured that we're working as hard as possible to make it the best logging tool out there. We love feedback (hello@logmonster.com) so check us out and let us know what you think!

With love,

The LogMonster Team